On the 18th of November the Black Belt and technician test was held in the Amsterdam HQ
All of the Black Belt candidates passed! Well done!!! The instructors team of the HQ is very proud of all who made this next important step and lived up to their commitment in reaching the goals that they set out to accomplish!!
New black belts of the Amsterdam HQ:
Ludovic Beaumont
Henk Jan Buchel
Mohamed El Asri
Daisy Heeremans
Robby Reggers
Daan van der Elsken
Congratulations also to Thijs de Droog the first Black Belt student of sihing Deniz Kara from the IWKA Haarlem.
The Technician candidates that did not receive their certificate today were very close. It was a difficult call for Sifu Wolgang and he is confident that you will receive your Technician grade in March 2013 without any further exam required. So also, well done to all!!
The following Technician candidates that passed their exams today:
Joy Bainath-Sah
Haroon Sheikh
Ryan Doekhi
Jochem Meesters
and… the first 3 women to get their first Technician grade at the Amsterdam IWKA HQ:
Elisah Jacobs
Clea van de Ven
Linde Joosten
Excellent effort from all and well deserved!
It was a long, challenging, intense and inspiring day for all. The students/candidates proved themselves and also excelled in demonstrating both physically and mentally the true meaning of Kung Fu: “To acquire a special skill through hard training!”
Congratulations to all new Black Belt (Sash) and Technicians. You deserve it!!
Special thanks to Waldemar Kool and Andreas Atzeni from the IWKA German HQ and a very special thanks to Sifu Wolfgang Herges for successfully leading the exams and making this a very positive and unforgettable day for everybody!!
- Sifu Wolfgang Herges with the Group that passed their tests