19-11-2004: On the 12th of November Dai-Sifu Sergio Iadarola assisted by the German chief instructor Sifu Andreas Bengez hold a seminar in the spanish capital of Madrid. Shocking the almost 100 participants with a mix of realistic fighting training, the correct use of the chainpunches, stopping wrestling
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/1027/" align="left"]Archive for the Archive 2004 Category
28-10-2004: From the 12th to 22nd of October Dai-Sifu Iadarola and Sifu Cesario Di Domenico one of the Italian coordinators visited Brazil to give an instructors’ seminar in WingTjun by Sihing Jason Lopes and his instructors team in the city of Belo Horizonte which with its 3
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/1032/" align="left"]25-09-2004: On September 25th and 26th the IWKA’s first interational Technician Seminar took place at the HQ in Amsterdam. The participants came from the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Spain and Germany. The seminar began on Saturday morning and Dai-Sifu Sergio Iadarola as usual ensured enthusiasm among the participants.
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/international-technician-seminar-in-amsterdam/" align="left"]14-09-2004: Famous Freefighter, pride veteran and winner of numerous freefight galas in Europe, Bob Schryber, was a guest at the international HQ of the IWKA conducting a small intensive seminar while being filmed for a future TV show. Bob was impressed by the facilities and hospitality of
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/bob-schryber-visits-iwka-hq-amsterdam/" align="left"]20-08-2004: Recently Dai-Sifu Iadarola travelled to the world HQ of Weng Chun kung fu in Bamberg, Germany, to meet and talk about WingTjun’s history and roots, and to discuss its concepts, principles, theory and techniques with Weng Chun Grandmaster and official successor Sifu Andreas Hoffman. Also attending
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/wingtjun-meets-weng-chun-and-ving-tsun-museum/" align="left"]09-08-2004: The IWKA conquered a new continent! Interested people from Brazil can get in contact with Sihing Jason Lopes in his school in Belo Horizonte (see countries section for details). Dai-Sifu Sergio Iadarola is going to travel to Brazil to hold a seminar from the 15th till
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/new-country-joined-the-iwka-brazil/" align="left"]02-07-2004: As many people may know classical WingTjun is one of the most advanced fighting systems within the first four ranges of combat namely the kicking distance, punching distance, elbow and knee distance and throwing distance. But as statistics show more than 75% of real fights end
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/iwka-wingtjun-meets-rickson-gracie-jiu-jitsu/" align="left"]13-02-2004: For the second time Dai-Sifu Iadarola of the IWKAwas on television. The first time on AT5, a local Amsterdam televisison station, where he gave an interview and a personal insight into the new HQ. The second time on national TV at the breakfast show Lijn 4
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/iwka-in-the-media/" align="left"]11-01-2004: The first IWKA groundfight seminar in Italy was held on january 9th and 10th in Napels. In this weekend about 150 persons, including a lot of the Italian IWKA instructors, divided into several groups were present at the seminar. Sifu Iadarola, assisited by two of his
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="http://www.wingtjun.com/groundfighting-seminar-in-naples-2004/" align="left"]