Gallery of the research trip to Shunde and Gu Lo in April 2010 where sifu Sergio met sifu Fung Chun (90) of the Gu Lo wing tjun system, the highest living Wing Chun GM in the world, same generation as GM Ip Man. Sifu Fung Chun passed
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="" align="left"]Archive for the Research Trips Category
Gallery of the trip to mainland China in November 2009 and the visit to the Fei Lo Chi temple with GM Sunny So and sifu Clifford Ip. On the sifusergiochannel on YouTube you will find a video of the trip.
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="" align="left"]Trip to Hong Kong 2009 where sifu Sergio followed a lot of training from his sifu’s
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Gallery of a trip to mainland China in 2006
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="" align="left"]Gallery from sifu Sergio’s trip to Hong Kong in 2006 with the photos of sifu Sergio receiving the Siu Lam Wing Tjun master certificate after 3 years only possible due to the 18 years of practising the Ip Man Wing Tjun system
[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="" align="left"]Gallery of sifu Sergio’s trip to Hong Kong in 2004
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