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Free Internal Wing Chun Summercamp 2014 Impressions Video!

Free Internal Wing Chun Summercamp 2014 Impressions Video!

Did you remember Sifu Sergio’s Northern European Summercamp in Germany which was held last September in Osnabruck at the German IWKA HQ? Well the Summer Camp was amazing! I will let the video speak for itself Don’t forget to join Sifu Sergio’s Summercamp 2015 if you missed

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Italian Summer Camp 2014

Italian Summer Camp 2014

Its been a while since our last video on the Sifu Sergio Channel. Sifu Sergio is currently on a worldwide seminar tour and is putting more focus on the teaching and spreading of his knowledge throughout his IWKA Seminars! his latest project is the opening of a

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A breathtaking trip to Emei

A breathtaking trip to Emei

Join me on my latest research trip to the birthplace of one of Wing Chun’s parent’s arts “EMEI” I Will let the video do the Talking enjoy!

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Fantastic Fujian White Crane Demo

Fantastic Fujian White Crane Demo

The Wing Chun DNA is quite obvious for all those open to see,fujian white crane by Sifu lee Kong. Beautiful to watch, one out of my private collection of material that I filmed in 2009 enjoy!

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Real Internal Wing Chun

Real Internal Wing Chun

Some People have a hard time believing that there exists something like real internal skill. I was once such a skeptic myself until i got my eyes opened. The main problem is that there are in fact many charlatans out there who ruin it for the people

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Are “Wing Chun” and “Weng Chun” closely related sister arts?

Are “Wing Chun” and “Weng Chun” closely related sister arts?

Is there a difference? YES there is if we go far enough back there clearly is a difference. Although they are very clearly sister arts, “Weng Chun” clearly was developed with Fujian White Crane as its main source and “Wing Chun” was developed by a fusion of

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Graduation 8-12-2012

Graduation 8-12-2012

Congratulations to all who passed their exam last week at the Amsterdam IWKA HQ!! (also see the personal congratulations of Sifu Sergio and more pictures on facebook) The graduation event took place last Saturday the 8th of December. Over 70 students attended this special quarterly event. Sihing

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